The Anarchy of Thought

Charity begins at home. Perhaps. But then so does the long revolution against the Establishment.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

A Mid-Week Fairy Tale
Here is another one of my trade-mark mid-week fairy tales. Like all others, feel free to 'read' this as historical, mythical, farcical, ironical, or simply as literal, all to literal.
A man who is attached to his mother is a veritable time-bomb for others (especially women) who might come near the periphery of his circle. The reason for this is quite complex, it would seem. Because a mother cannot exercise authority over her husband (she is not allowed this control by patriarchal madates), she soon discovers that her son is a readily available victim over whom to establish her unquestioned control. So she brings up her son in a manner that will drive home to him, every day and every night, how much he is dependent on her and how greatly he owes his life and his existence to her.
Later when the daughter-in-law comes in, the mother feels overwhelmed by very ambivalent emotions. On the one hand, she desperately wants grandchildren to propagate her genes and to carry on her family-line (hence the daughter-in-law as an instrument for maintaining the line). But on the other hand, she also fears her erstwhile absolute authority over her son being challenged from within. Hence a titanic civil war starts between two women over one man, a war that is much beloved of Hollywood and Bollywood.
Now this process is repeated when the daughter-in-law has a son in return; the son grows up and gets married; and so on and on ad infinitum.
The Hindus have a name for this : it is called Samsara which is said to be beginningless (anadi). Some even go on to say that there is a way out of it (moksa); others, of course, know better.


  • At 2.6.05, Blogger G Shrivastava said…

    And what happens if she has a daughter?

  • At 2.6.05, Blogger The Transparent Ironist said…

    I never had a sister, and I cannot therefore speak from 'first hand experience'in the matter of a mother's relationship with her daughter. However, from what I have seen of my (women) cousins, things aren't really thaaaaat great for them either. My aunts (in Assam, that is) have brought them up under the constant fear that 'society' will upraid them for not having trained their daughters to become 'cultured', 'refined', 'social', and 'polished' women. Which basically translates as : women who know how to do the cooking and the associated home-work, women who go ga-ga over babies, and women whose lives revolve around the Home and the Family.

  • At 3.6.05, Blogger G Shrivastava said…

    In other words, she trains her daughter to become the mother-in-law she couldn't be? And the cycle continues...

  • At 3.6.05, Blogger The Transparent Ironist said…

    That's why I called it Samsara in the post. It is without beginning and perhaps also without any end.

  • At 3.6.05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    But does this mean that women are trapped!!! Are women so much under the power of their mothers? Is there no way out for them?????

  • At 4.6.05, Blogger G Shrivastava said…

    It's more a matter of being under the power of the patriarchal system - that makes woman want to manipulate their sons in order to have a modicum of the end of the day it's all for power. If the power were to rest with the women it would be the other way ard na?

  • At 4.6.05, Blogger The Transparent Ironist said…

    Yes, in a sense, it all boils down to power. Or, to use the fashionable jargon, it is 'nothing-but' power. However. However, given the fact that men have monopolised this power for 3,500 years, I believe that this power should be forcefully wrested from their hands and given to the women for a change. If the women thereafter realise that this power was not such a good thing after all, so be it! It is for the women to comment on this After they have received and enjoyed this power, and not Before.

  • At 4.6.05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ..sometimes because of boredom and a want of drama and adventure
    ..sometimes because of insecurity and a demand for validation
    ..sometimes for power


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