The Anarchy of Thought

Charity begins at home. Perhaps. But then so does the long revolution against the Establishment.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Just a quick note about the change in the tag-line for my blog under The Anarchy of Thought (see above). For a long time now, I have heard people voicing anti-Establishment sentiments from a variety of standpoints and for a variety of reasons. Excellent, for in my own ironic ways, I am for the solidarity of the shaken.
However. However, I believe that this struggle must begin with ourselves and with people in our most immediate vicinity for otherwise it degenerates rapidly into a masquerade for our power-seeking, individual as well as collective.
Charity begins at home. Perhaps. But then so does the long revolution against the Establishment.


  • At 7.6.05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I want to congratulate you for the new tag-line. In a certain sense, this one encompasses the older one and puts the latter into an important perspective.

    Talking of perspectives, there is a book that I suggest you to read. It is called 'Tertium Organum' by P.D. Ouspensky (P.D. Uspenskii). It might help put a lot of things (or I daresay all the things) in a new perspective.

  • At 7.6.05, Blogger The Transparent Ironist said…

    Tertium organum. Transl... / P.D. Ouspensky.

    main Author: Ouspensky, P.D.
    Title: Tertium organum. Transl... / P.D. Ouspensky.
    Published: Rochester,N.Y, 1920.
    Format: Book


    Location: UL: Request and collect from Reading Room
    Classmark: 9180.c.57

    Number of Items: 1
    Status: Not On Loan

  • At 8.6.05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope that by now the status of the book has changed.

  • At 8.6.05, Blogger The Transparent Ironist said…

    Hope is a good perspective to have on life.

  • At 8.6.05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, most of the times it is.


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