The Anarchy of Thought

Charity begins at home. Perhaps. But then so does the long revolution against the Establishment.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Four Types of Sailors Posted by Hello

Suppose that you are sailing on a cruise-ship in the High Seas to Madeira, and this ship suddenly springs a leak. What would you do? Well, it probably depends on what type of a sailor you are.
(A) A sailor who belongs to this category has a ready-made dictum for all such circumstances : you cannot completely repair a ship while it is out at sea. That is, if one part of a ship is damaged, you can repair that bit by taking off some pieces from its other parts. What you cannot do is to repair the whole of the ship at once, for you can only repair it piece-meal as long as it remains floating on the water. This type of a sailor hopes, nevertheless, that she shall soon reach the port that is marked out on the official maps, and that when the ship is taken into the safe harbour, it can be repaired there right from scratch, from keel to mast, from bow to stern.
(B) A second type of a sailor agrees that the problem has been correctly identified, but professes a complete lack of faith in the map that others around her are so fonding of navigating by. She says that it is true that the total repairing of a ship while it is at sea is impossible, but also declares that she has no confidence at all that the ship will ever reach any of the ports. It might be possible, she says, that these ports never existed, and are simply the hallucinatory products of some sailors from ancient times.
(C) Now a third type of a sailor joins the conversation. Yes, she says, the first sailor is right; and yes, she says again, the second sailor is too. That is, one cannot repair a damaged ship completely when it is out in the seas, and moreover, it might very well be possible that none of the ports marked out on the maps are existent or that the maps are too outdated and misleading. But, and this is where the third sailor has something unique to say, she has found out (through a stroke of genius, a patient calculation, a prophetic vision, or all of these) that a certain port lies in a specific direction, and urges those around her that if they sail into that direction they are sure to reach safe haven.
(D) A fourth type says that the ship is going to sink anyway very soon, and that you might as well go down sinking with it putting up a brave face, or jump straightaway into the wide sea.
So, then, which type of a sailor are you? Or, perhaps, there are more types than I have been able to 'isolate' here?


  • At 18.1.05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Strange situations to concoct in mind...
    I don't think I can identify with any of these sailor types in particular! I think I'm a bit of all of them!
    Like Sailor A, I would admit there's no chance of repairing the whole ship, so I would do my best to help repairing it just enough for it to get somewhere on the nearest shore.
    Like Sailor B, I would deny (being convinced of that, or maybe on purpose???) the existance of any locations they talk about.
    Maybe I would have a prophetic dream just like Sailor C, and I would lure the guys to a remote island to rule upon them there!
    This way, I would be a dangerous sailor just like Sailor D! The type of sailor you wouldn't want with you on the ship!

  • At 18.1.05, Blogger The Transparent Ironist said…

    Actually, these are not just 'mental concoctions', but also a sort of sociological comment on some contemporary modes of living in the 'West'. You will find a bit of the politician/educationist in Sailor A, a bit of the incurable skeptic in Sailor B, a bit of the revolutionary/social reformer in Sailor C, and a bit of the radical pessimist in Sailor D.

  • At 18.1.05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    anonymous, u have fantasies with sailours?
    ru boy or girl??

  • At 18.1.05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think im the last sailor..the pessimist...i lose hope quick!!

  • At 18.1.05, Blogger The Transparent Ironist said…

    Most sailors are boys. Or, perhaps, all of them are. I do not know if the Indian or the American navy accepts women. (Though there are women in their Armed-forces and Air-forces.) Perhaps, that is because with women around the navy will find itself at sea.

  • At 18.1.05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    then, why was ur sailor example a girl?.. u said about her telling 'she' all the time!

  • At 18.1.05, Blogger The Transparent Ironist said…

    Not for any specific reason. I often use the pronoun 'she' in places where I would have used the pronoun 'he' five years ago.

  • At 18.1.05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    good..that's cool!


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