The power of pink
It is so good that one of the templates for these blogs is in pink. Pink used to be one of my favourite colours early on in my childhood. It was only much later that I came to know about the association of 'feminity' with the colour pink. Which makes me wonder how certain notions/associations are 'invented/constructed'. If a Martian were to be brought down to earth 'one fine morning', he/she (but is there gender among Martians?) might fail to see any 'logically necessary' connection between feminity and the pink colour. But then, perhaps, one can stay closer at home : a Trobriand Islander, a Tibetan or a Papua New Guinean too might not recognise any such connection.
Having said though, a more fundamental question comes up : is there anything at all which is not invented/constructed by us human beings?If gender associations (such as those of 'mercy/sentimentality' with 'feminity' and 'aggressiveness/rationality' with 'masculinity') are 'constructions', shall we say the same about all world-views that have been proposed so far? Are Marxism, theism, atheism, feminism, ecologism, Romanticism, nihilism, Islam, Buddhism and so on 'constructions' as well? Clearly, there is more to be said on this, and I shall return to this point in the next post.
At 15.12.04,
Anonymous said…
Ankur, you just like to be tickled pink. It's simple....
posted by someone who pretends to know you..
At 22.12.04,
Ashita said…
I love pink too and used to wear a lot of pink to office until I felt people perceiving me a frivolous and soft just because of the colour I wore.
I wear black these days...
At 22.12.04,
The Transparent Ironist said…
Ashita, it really depends on where you are 'in the world'. If you are in India, you will be frowned upon if you wear too much black either. People in India, so runs the story, are supposed to be cheerful, and the presence in their midst of people, and especially women, wearing black, can be a rather unsettling experience for them. Perhaps the only Indian women who wear black on a regular basis are the (Roman Catholic/Hindu?) nuns.
In the UK, on the other hand, the weather is so dark and bleak that people don't really mind (and perhaps don't even notice) if you wear dark colours.
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